Excellent and timely article. You are wise to question the spiritual context of America's Supreme Court decisions. This is not a spiritual breakthrough; this is political maneuvering by a right wing body who currently has a 6-3 majority to impose their will.
This decision will push more people away from God. No one likes a bully, and the court is acting like a bully. As C.S. Lewis observed in his writings on Christianity, those who profess to be the most holy among us are often among the most anti-Christian in our world.
I am a believer in God and a proud American, but I readily admit that Americans are crazy. I call myself a Christian (though I was born Jewish) but I find the American Christian Right terrifying. They do everything to protect the unborn, but as comedian George Carlin said, "Once you're born, you're screwed."
If the Christian Right supported childcare, food stamps, education, gun regulation and national healthcare the way they fight against abortion, I'd have more faith in their so called "pro-life" activism. But I can't fathom the hypocrisy from my right-wing Christian brothers and sisters.
As the Chinese proverb goes, "May you live in interesting times." That we do.